Monday, October 29, 2012


Hello everyone, how things went on all these days? Weren’t they beautiful days to be enjoyed, or nothing but gloomy days where most of the times keeping oneself shunning himself from reality? I won’t dare to say anything about that, but surely my boring blog which do not attract any followers would have something else to offer which outweighs everything else; KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE. Please stop by and read what I have to offer for all of you. As you read, you will come to a realization that my writings are completely consist of genuine ideas which I have amalgamated from various sources—be they are from the web, written articles or books written by countless numbers of authors.  As usual, for copyright purposes, I would cite other people’s quote in brackets to differentiate them from my original quotes. As far as I concern, any similarities found here are purely non-intentional and if they do, the phrases cited here were actually just came across my mind.
Sadly enough, there are some people, no matter what their intentions are, questioned my proficiency in the English language. They said that my superbly-written articles were extracted from somewhere else either from the net or much worse; I am falsely accused as a copycat! I am really wishing to know this person and ask him (or her) to pin-point his evidences to proof that I am an expert in plagiarism. Copy and paste my whole article and put it in the “Google Search Box”. Would you find any similarities? Can they list put any books or articles that I had copied into my blog? I bet that your effort will come to the highest point of disappointment when they finally realized that my ideas are 100% authentic out of from the frontal cortex of my cerebrum! 

I am not sure the motives of these ill-intentioned people, but surely it will never stop me from sending up blogs to be shared with those who are still interested. Amazingly, as I checked my blog-review statistics, I have viewers not only from Malaysia, but from all over the globe; Russia, China, United Kingdom and there are from the Unites States of America throughout the past 3 years! I was so surprised to know that there are some westerners who would like to take a glimpse on my simple articles which I simply wrote in a quite ‘merry-go-round’ style. I have to inform that my writings are not done in a professional manner. If I choose to do so, I would apply for a Master’s Degree Course in the University of Malaya where I can truly utilize my potentials to its zenith. I am not able to trace these kind readers but I prayed that blessings and good tidings shall be showered by you by the Higher Being above. Perhaps they are looking for the flip side of their life. I don’t know for sure, but you know the best, I bet.
Most people feel contented with their life without knowing their potentials and how to utilize them to the fullest. They just say “It’s already fated and there’s nothing much that I can do about it” or “God has fixed everything for me; and no matter how hard I have tried, I can’t alter His decision.” Well said, but it’s purely nonsensical. First, God or whatever that “Higher Being” might be called in other faiths, never fated something terrible to happen in our life. Correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I know, most religions, or if not all, believe that GOD is an All-Good and All-Perfect Being, and definitely when we say that He is “Good”, then by logical means He will never let such bad things to happen to us.
So, how bad things could happen and what is their purpose on us? Why certain people are tremendously rich despite their minimal effort and why are some people who aren’t? There are people who lived a moderate life but yet they are contented with their happy marriage life. The term “happiness” is subjective; but people; especially modernized people will define this term in much less common than its actual meaning. They tend to associate it with “big money, big car/s, big house/s and a handsome/beautiful K-Pop star-like spouse”. They think that the purpose of their own life is to impress others, but the ugly truth is never to be revealed…yet.
If you followed my previous articles in my blog page before, you will realize that I wrote an article on Symbolic Feng Shui which I heavily practiced all this while. As we go into another level, we will add another different but related field which without it Feng Shui practices are incomplete. Here I present you the package: The Knowledge of Feng Shui which is intricately merged with another related field of Chinese Esoteric Knowledge: The Ba Zi or better known as “The Eight Pillars of Destiny”; though some Classical Feng Shui Practtitioners  do not agree with the this translation but at least it is the nearest to the actual meaning of this field of knowledge.

Most Feng Shui practitioners will suggest their clients to have their personal Ba Zi to be read in tandem with the Feng Shui chart of their homes. Like Feng Shui, the Five Elements and Yin Yang concepts are also applied in reading one’s Ba Zi chart. A deep knowledge in The Productive, Destructive and Exhaustive Cycles of the Five Elements of a Feng Shui and Ba Zi practitioner will be a determining factor between a professional and an amateur. Learning Ba Zi can be likened to peeling an onion; you removed one layer to find out that there are actually many other layers inside. It is totally a never-ending knowledge on learning the destiny and purpose of our life. At first, I was totally perplexed by the difficult terms, but soon, as I finally grasped the actual meanings through a lot of readings and searching in reliable-web sources, I began my quest to plot my Ba Zi chart and learn it, bit by bit until I finally get a clearer view on my own purpose of life. For the unlearnt, the Ba Zi chart is nothing more than a piece of paper with unknown Chinese characters; and even if is translated into the English language, it is still incomprehensible and definitely a big headache for the newcomers. Thank God, due to my exceptional level of command in English, reading these translated versions of Classical Feng Shui books is obviously no big obstacle for me.
Learning Feng Shui and Ba Zi is never an easy thing for me. I have to do a lot of readings; and since my own understanding in the original tongue of this esoteric knowledge is near to none, I only have a knee-deep expertise in consulting people who were intrigued by my practice. They are so keened when they saw my “Fly on a Horse” figurine on my work table, the Kalachakra Mandala Plaque above my doorpost or even my “Wish Fulfilling Gold Plated Pendant” that I am wearing all this while. I am saying that I am reluctant to give any advice to them concerning Feng Shui and Ba Zi, but from what I have read, I realized that many professional experts, especially those from the classical schools of Feng Shui claimed  that the “Do-It-Yourself Feng Shui” which is gaining popularity due to its simplistic and hassle-free methods pose more risks than its benefits. I won’t explain this for the moment since it’s going to make this blog another Iliad and Odyssey epic story. I prefer simplicity even though the fact proves that the Feng Shui is a never-ending subject. No wonder why it took not hundreds, but thousands of years for this intricate knowledge to develop into what we have known today.
The Feng Shui and Ba Zi books were originally written in classical Chinese and most foreign readers, including Westerners who are highly interested to learn them get access via books translated by popular Chinese Feng Shui Authors who are very well-versed in English. I won’t give any reviews on their books or discuss about commercialism issues since me myself is a baby compared to those mega-fabulous Feng Shui ‘Masters-cum-celebrities’. In the other hand, my Feng Shui knowledge is still far from better and can be considered as only on the surface level. There’s still a lot more for me to learn in this unending field of knowledge.
I did some research on Ba Zi from various books translated from the Chinese to English; in a layman’s language. There are several series of books on Classical Ba Zi which are very modestly written. No worries, if I can read them, so are you! You can take a glimpse on the contents of these books and their prices are quite reasonable too!  The knowledge on Ba Zi worth more than your pocket and you won’t regret it either. These books are very easy to be read even for beginners who are totally alien to the terms and concepts of Feng Shui or Bazi.  I started out learning the Five Elements, how they interact with each other and finally the practical aspects of Ba Zi. I earnestly follow the guidelines set by the author from A-Z and even I was doing so, it was still far from enough. My thirst in pursuing knowledge made me feel more intrigued to learn this art of studying one’s path of life in detail.  

I still remembered the first day I encountered Feng Shui; about 8 years ago when I accidentally read a book on Symbolic Feng Shui written by a local Feng Shui authoress. I’m sure Destiny did played its part in making sure that this special moment arose or else I won’t have a chance to learn and practice Feng Shui! My mother bought the book as its title attracted her lot. I knew nothing about Feng Shui at all at that time, and to my amazement, I fell in love at the first sight! My knowledge in Ba Zi comes later after learning various Feng Shui branches; be it from the Classical or New Age Feng Shui. I believe that Feng Shui is no longer a secret thing since that all people are now gaining access to this always-on-a-high-demand thing. With the advent of smart phones and tablets, plotting a personal Ba Zi chart is no longer a hassle anymore; a single click and walaaa…your destiny can be overviewed just at your fingertips!

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