Monday, October 29, 2012


Certain things happened for reasons, and Ba Zi would give you a clearer picture on your destiny even though it only makes only 33% of your total destiny!
Alright, let’s go to the core of our issue—Learning Ba Zi. I won’t reveal my Ba Zi chart to you for the moment, since I consider it to be more personal in nature, but no worries, since I will share some parts of my Personal Chart and show you how Ba Zi can be utilized to maximize your potentials to its fullest!  My Ba Zi chart clearly shows that my present 10-year luck is not quite a promising one, even though there are some “favourable elements” do play their parts. I would like to pin-point this issue to one issue only--personal relationship. There is a very clear and permanent indicator in my own 8 Pillars of Destiny that says “It is better to stay away from relationships and even if there is one, it will never last for long”-TRUE! This is one of the checkpoints of Ba Zi where one of my unluckiest encounter did occur exactly on the time indicated in my Luck Pillars.
Based on the advanced concepts of Ba Zi, one very important point that I would like to focus on is what the Ba Zi experts called as the “Monkey-Snake-Tiger Combination” that occurs somewhere a few years ago that gave me a deep grief; even to this day. It was worsened by:-
(a)  The existent permanent clash that in the Spousal Pillar;  the Yin Fire Snake in the Day Pillar clashes with the Yin Water Boar in the Month Pillar!
(b)  This clash occurs in my Personal Eight Pillars Chart; that means this clash will occur throughout my entire life! The presence of the Direct Wealth star in the spousal pillar clearly shows that I will be in direct confrontation with the person whom I considered as my soul mate.
(c)  This type of clash is considered as a severe one since the same polarity (Yin Snake –Yin Boar) clashes are more serious than the different polarity slashes (e.g Yin Snake- Yang Rat).
No matter how "perfect" is your new boyfriend, if he is not meant for you, then does it, understand?
This already explained why any kinds of spousal relationships will never come to a good ending---despite whatsoever effort or good luck Feng Shui trinkets used to heal the situation. What’s the only solution? Stay single for the rest of my life---I guess..LOL!
A full-screen capture of my eight pillars of destiny chart. For confidentiality, I have deleted some of the information to avoid people from manipulating my Ba Zi.
I am sure those who practice Classical Ba Zi will realize that the only solution to heal or at least to minimize its bad effects is by introducing a certain “animal sign” into the clashing animal signs in the Ba Zi chart. In most cases, where no other combinations involved, a relationship can be healed, but in my case, for instance, it wasn’t as easy as suggested. The year of the Tiger (2010) which was supposedly to “heaI” the clash actually worsened the condition. WHY? The Fire Snake from my Day Pillar combines with the Yang Metal Monkey from the 10-year luck pillar (age 30-39). This pair is known as the Combination-Destruction structure.
As the Combination-Destruction pair entered the Year of Tiger (2010)…you will get the super-worst Snake-Monkey-Tiger combo! You got the picture right? The Tiger can only act as a ‘saviour’ only after I have moved into another 10-Year Luck Pillar, which is going to happen in another 8 years! As I did further reading in a book on Classical Ba Zi,  the events and the person involved in the combination were accurately depicted!  Let us go into each animal sign. For those who are used to the directions of the 12 animals, surely they know that the Snake’s location is the South East; the Monkey Southwest and finally the Tiger, Northeast. Then how could the directions tell me the origin of the persons involved in this formation? I will list out each detail as follows:-
(a)  The Snake represents my Self (homeland) which is Sarawak; exactly located southeast of Malaysia. (check my birth certificate; surely it is 100% TRUE!)
(b)  The Monkey (10-year Luck Pillar) represents where the relationship first took place (spark); yupp you get it now, southwest of Sarawak is exactly its capital city, Kuching (read the map if you’re saying that I’m bluffing around)
(c)  The Tiger (the Year Pillar—so-called “savior”), specifically mentions the origin of the person involved (origin)…(Northeast of Sarawak/Borneo?)---I’m not going to purposely annoy someone for this; but you should know how to read directions, right?). 
This is the permanent clash that I meant just now; the Yin Fire Snake in the Spousal Palace clashes with Yin Water Boar

This depiction was so accurate that I totally awed years after the incident! It clearly explained that a supposedly “healing animal sign” becomes the one that causes destruction in a relationship. Was that possible? Yes, it was. Further reading of the book explains that this combination means that the “right person” who is considered as a “savior” was the one who betrays and kills the short-lived relationship. As we go deeper into the analysis, it was also revealed that another Combination-Destruction structure exists as the Snake-Monkey branch was formed throughout the present 10-Year Luck Pillar. The Combination-Destruction can be interpreted as a good beginning with a tragic ending vice versa. 
The original screen-captured view of how the Day Master (Yin Fire Snake) forms the Combination-Destruction with the 10-year luck pillar (29-39 years old!)
    (a)  Fire Yin Snake represents Friends and Companions while the Metal Yang Monkey represents the Wealth Element.
    (b)  The favorability of a combination depends on the type of new element produced. In my case, the Snake-Monkey Combination produces a new element; which is Water and surely this is my most unfavorable element! In a nutshell, this Combination is like adding a salt to the wound!
Since I am a weak Yin Fire, the presence of the new Water and Metal Elements will further weaken my Self Element and definitely I was totally extinguished! When we interpret it into a real life situation, it clearly means that the purpose of gathering wealth (money; and since its polarity is Yang, it means money gained from a “moving source”, which is salary) is to impress my friends and colleagues around me. Since I can’t gain control over my Wealth, instead of making me feeling happy, it became a source of burden and suffering for me. The new Water element represents authority and that represents an “extinguishing task”. Luckily, even though I was feeling demotivated by the incidents that occurred around me that time, my friends and colleagues never took advantage on me since the Companion element was direly needed in this crucial situation.
I am not cynically pointing out my ex-lover’s fault, but rather I would like to prove that things did happen despite whatsoever effort that we put on to “save” the relationship. Yes, after almost a decade since my last breakup, I did know someone during that particular year which I believed as “the one” who was going to change my life forever but….alas! Our unexpected web-based love relationship which was initially for lust satisfaction suddenly turned into an almost-serious relationship; it was almost a near-perfection version of the person I was looking for; as that was truly an Utopian manifesto. Serve me right, I was too carried away by my lovey-dovey feelings and heeded all the warnings that were clearly indicated in my Ba Zi! As an end result, I fell into the bottomless pit and I was totally out of sync! I was ignorant and say ‘nay’ to the warnings portrayed symbolically in the Ba Zi chart that time and to my surprise, it did happened!  As you read this, I would strongly encourage those who are still learning the knowledge of the Ba Zi to practice what you have learnt, never ever be a pharisaical person, who is good at preaching doctrinal values but never practice it! I was, but I will always remind myself that it won’t happen again next time.
Years that follow (be it the years of the Snake-Boar) will not even promise anything either, even the luck of the present Dragon year won’t do any good to heal the permanent clash in my Ba Zi chart. Neither the next 8 years in my present Luck Pillar. In the other hand, I should concentrate on other aspects of my life such as career (and definitely the partnership type career) and financial planning for the future. By the way, the next 10-year luck pillar will promise a better future. At that time, my most favourable element, the Yang Wood which represents the Resource Element will push my dreams to the limitless skies! Hopefully my luck will change for good as my age will turn 39…hmm…that means I have to wait for another 9 years for my luck to be truly ripen and bear its sweet fruits..:). I won’t mind at all if my hair will turn grey that time. The Wheel of Karma will always spin; it solely depends on our past and present karmic actions that will determine whether it’s going to move faster or slower.
Many people asked me when I am going to have a settled life and a family of my own. Since I’m not a “waiting silently” type, so I know exactly how to respond to this irritating but yet can be answered in a simple manner:--“I’m searching but I found no one that suits my taste. I don’t want to just simply marry anyone and regretting myself spending my lifetime with the WRONG TYPE OF PERSON!” By the way, I’m not really concerned about getting old; many couples married at a relatively “later” age, but yet they enjoyed a prosperous and joyful life. There are also some couples who got married at a very young age and ended up with divorce and another chain of marriage-divorce-remarriage dilemma.  I learnt my lesson that love s not simply just marrying a person; but to love and cherish your spouse for all days of your life. It is not necessarily old means worn out or out of date, but rather it means an age of maturity. Cross my fingers, I am working ahead towards it, I know I can! 

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