Monday, November 14, 2011

Winstedt's Philosophical Article: Learning to accept and love the we are as the way we should be...

Dream car perhaps??? Being different is unique, not a freak!
In a non-philosophical way, which is understood by most people who are also non-philosophical, I love to write something which is philosophical..hahha..hard to understand? I hope this won't put you down, or am I? I'm not going to write things in simplicity since for my personal interest and the sensitivity of certain groups of people, I would rather coined the terms that I am going to use in the remaining part of my article in a more "delicate, intricate but yet precise" way. So, I would like to apologise to any people out there who would find it extremely hard to comprehend my article and I suggest that you should read my other articles which are also available in my blog; which are written in a more simplistic manner.

"I am born this way", yeah..that's what Lady Gaga said. We loved to be who we are. We loved being accepted the way we "are born". This particular group of people think that they belong to no one except themselves, and any attempts or even actions that might deprived them of their rights are considered as an ostracism or a blockage against their "goals". I am not an "anti establishment group", but I would consider myself as being on the "safe, orthodox" side. Yes, the word "orthodox" seems to be a very intriguing, or even irritating one for some. Rationalist, the "enlightened", revolutionist and globalist would termed this people as "old fashioned and conservative" and I guess I would be put in their top 10 list as one of the most conservative people that they ever met in their life (LOL..hahha! Come on, or else I won't have any FB account or even my own blogspot if that is so immensely true...).

(Hahaha..this is a back cover of a book titled 'Telajan, the Son of Keling" written my late granduncle, Moses anak Beti, the youngest sibling of my late grandfather's from my mother's side. He was one of the inspired Iban writers who wrote in originality without being pushed by any parties. I really admired him and perhaps this talent never dies and keeps to run in the his family bloodlines---including me perhaps??).

To be frank, let us review what people might think of the term "old-fashioned and conservative" refers to (by referring me myself as a scenario).
Argument #1: I don't change my mobile phone or even my phone number. That means I am an anti-change or even an anti-technology person.
Facts (to be refuted if you can): I owned my Nokia 3310 since year 2001 and it remained until now ( I never buy my own mobile phone, I only possessed the "second hand" N..something..something..(forgot it) model handed down by my sister who found that the features in it were no longer relevant ( Honestly..for God's sake I don't know what the hell is 3G and 4G is all about). Some of my colleagues possess Iphone 4, Samsung Galaxy SII, Galaxy Tab and other advanced gadgets that might put people in an awe as they behold the magnificent stuffs in their hands ( I guess..but I'm not that really "awed" by the splendorous sight..hahaha!)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's another long holiday and I don't know what the hell I am going to do! LOL!

Yeap....definitely everybody will be terribly excited after hearing the word "holiday". For most of us, the word "holiday" itself means "rest, vacation, recreation" plus an extra long list of activities that would accompany the single word. Our school officially "closed its gates" exactly at a very unique date; 11.11.11..hahah..This is to give way to the coming SPM examination which is going to be held starting from next week. Most teachers will take this opportunity to spend their times with their spouses and family members; or just to look on for "extra incomes", namely invigilating examinations or joining teams of examiners. Or else, holidays remain holidays unless it is spent wisely and usefully. As for me, it's another "hibernation" period for me; to reflect on what I have done for the past 11 months as I approach the end of the year 2011. It is also a good time for me to retune my "biological clock" as I used to wake up by 6.00 a.m everyday and start up my daily routine as a teacher.
Well...wait! There's something came up my mind the moment I am writing this: I am now exactly 29 years 11 months and 8 days (hahaha..LOL) and soon I will turn 30. 5th December is approaching and I am counting my days as I am trying to figure out my next step. As I looked back at my past, I am glad that I have gone past all these hardships; thank you God for giving me the strength to carry on. Certainly, life is a continuous "cross-bearing" journey, as the LORD says. It's true indeed, an undeniable truth to be exact.
The year 2011 does not count so much for me, I would rather consider it as a "rehabilitation" period after my break up with someone more than a year ago. A lesson that need to be given a special thought indeed, but that won't put me down either. People might ask about the possibility to start up another new relationship with another person. I respectfully refuse their queries though deep inside my heart I still deeply miss the person who already left me for no obvious reasons. Hmmmh...I have to stop being melancholic; stop dreaming about the past, it's time to look forward and never look back. The pain subsides, but yes- I still can see the scar; a deep scar left by the bloodiest wound.

Prayer: LORD, thank you for letting me to live and worship Thee once again. I realise that everything happened with reasons and I am definitely put all my trust and confidence in Thee alone. Thank you LORD for taking away my sufferings. My sufferings are nothing compared to Thy Burden of the Cross which Thou carried along the Road to Calvary. I forgive those who hurt me before, intentionally or unintentionally. Heal their heart, O LORD and let Thy Eternal Light penetrates deep into their souls so that they also might realise that Thou always live and forgive them. LORD, help me to gather enough strength as I walk along the pathway of this life until one day I will meet you face to face in Thy Eternal Kingdom. AMEN.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Travelogue: Bintulu

Taman Tumbina, Bintulu...the only mini-zoo in the Northern part of Sarawak. Though not as big and varied as the infamous National Zoo,  it was much cleaner and more properly managed.
 The African Mahogany tree; I took this opportunity to knock its trunk three times to invoke the blessings of the tree spirit. Superstitious, huh???
 Me and my lovely family strolling along the wooden, man-made was such a day but it was a total fun!
 Posing in front of the non-functional, artificial waterfall...heheh
 A tiger with a human wasn't scary after all
This was one of the main reasons why I went to Bintulu; its famous and beautiful rocky beach@Tanjung Batu a.k.a Pantai Temasya.
Looking at the sunset as I set my eyes upon the horizon. If I am not mistaken, the famous Teluk Chempedak Beach of Pahang is directly opposite its Sarawakian counterpart; almost a thousand miles apart, separated by the vast body of salty water of the South China Sea....By the way, it reminded me of the times where I spent my spiritual trip to Kuantan back to my campus times...:0

Somehow or someway, I learnt a new lesson in my life: We live this life once and we don' t want to waste it somehow...;)

Time passed by and as we approached the end of the "lucky" year, many people will wonder; " I couldn't believe it! It's September and I have done nothing to realise my New Year's resolution (or our so-called previous years'-countless resolutions..ahaaa! You got that right?). A new job...a new working friends and colleagues...and perhaps a new love (I would rather say that the last thing I mentioned here had been said a zillion times since my recent breakup...huh! Such an eerie and weird psyche I am, right?).
As for me, my present life was totally different since I lost the ones that I loved so much; my lovely Dad who went to meet the LORD 6 years ago...(God Bless his soul), my mother who was being stigmatised by the slanderers and ill-minded society (but now, praise the LORD...she is still a single, widowed mother who can stand on her own and thus----I don't need another Father..I repeat..another Father.FULL STOP!), my troublesome siblings who kept total reliance on me till to the point that I even became a "father" to their children and more recently, I lost a person whom I thought to be "the best person I ever loved in my life" since my promiscuous life (honestly, but now I need a real, loving person) left me with nothing but and aching heart...(honestly I still love you though you might never...perhaps???) God, please forgive them for what they have done! I don't have the right to shut anyone's mouth but I am definitely sure KARMA will definitely do its work.Well said, I am quite contented with my own life for the moment, and I looked back, I never believe that I have passed all these and I am so grateful that the LORD our GOD; in His mercy and kindness had given me another oppurtunity to live and praise His name! Praise the LORD!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It's the Month of May and see...????

May...Maya...the Graeco-Roman Goddess of Spring and flowers...that was the first thing that came up in my mind after our sweet and simple family athered together for the "Mother's Day Celebration. Well said, this is supposed to be the mid-Spring month in temperate countries. Right here, in Malaysia, we celebrate the "joy" of the Mid-Spring months in our own way: Yess..the Harvest Festivals will soon arrive and that will mark the end of another paddy-planting season. The Sabahans, alongside their Sarawakian counterparts celebrate Tadau Kaamatan and Hari Gawai Dayak respectively.

Hey, about the Teacher's day celebration? It's not considered as a "celebration', but it should be better known as "a day of special tribute to the teachers" where students will give out ttheir best to make thier teachers as happy as they can...:)