Monday, April 30, 2012

Living up my life with Feng Shui: An amateur's experience.

It seems that I am now already 'addicted' to writing posts in my personal blog site. Despite lacking the experience in professional writing skills, we have to remember that there is an English saying that states: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". If anyone would like to contribute any constructive ideas, I would be glad to welcome it as part of the learning processes towards improving this blog site.

Right, it would be better if we go straight to the point of discussion. It's all about one of the most intriguing metaphysical science areas known to the Westerners as 'Feng Shui'. The knowledge of this ancient Chinese practice had been in the limelight due to the English version of many Feng Shui texts translated by renowned masters who are well-versed in both Chinese and English. I practised Feng Shui as an amateur for the past 6 years. It all began when my mother bought a book on Feng Shui's symbolism. At the first glance, it never caught my attention since it was filled with all the Chinese figurines and characters. I left the book on my coffee table for a few days until I accidentally turned the page and found out that 'someone could increase his/her potential to meet his life partner'. What the...?For me, it's a total nonsense. Furthermore, as a staunch Christian and a devoted Catholic, it would be a grave sin to put our faith on man-made principles such as 'lucky and unlucky directions', 'auspicious days', Taoist and Buddhist deities' figurines and a myriad of oriental principles.

As I read through the pages of the easy-to-be-understood book, I began to realise that in a strict sense, the 'real' practice of Feng Shui does not involve all of the above. I started to browse through multitudes of Feng Shui websites beginning with the best seller's author and even to the humble, secluded type Feng Shui master who preferred to be a mentor to a very limited number of students. I started buying quite a number of books on the so-called "symbolic and ritualistic" Feng Shui books. Oriental mysticism is one of the most enigmatic body of knowledge. No wonder why most Westerners were so interested to study these knowledge even to the point of leaving their faith and embraced the oriental religions. Fine, religion is really a personal matter, so I decided not to put it into the limelight for the moment. I am not a religious fanatic but I'm not a free-thinker either! As I studied Feng Shui, without mentioning any parties; I came to the point of consciousness where there were too many conflicting issues; and the most apparent one is the "Classical versus New Age Feng Shui" feud. Again, this is also an another difficult topic to discuss though.
As for myself, whether you choose to learn Feng Shui in a very classical methods such as San Yuan, San He, Xuan Gong Ba Gua and other schools of classical Feng Shui or even to integrate the "westernised concepts" of Feng Shui such as crystal healing, colour therapy et cetera, the most important thing that you should realise is that Feng Shui never offers a "one fix all solution type" method. It is also not a "magic spell" that would change your life from rags to riches overnight! No, no one would ever believe it should work that way. If that is so true, then we would find that all Feng Shui masters will live in huge mansions or owning a row of Ferraris. Am I right? To be frank, reality remains a reality no matter how you would want  to "fix" it. Feng Shui is all about harmony; how to live in tandem with the unseen forces of Nature. Science wouldn't be able to explain what does it means by "Chi", but recent findings shown that we are surrounded by magnetic fields that naturally exists around us. It is also proven that certain pattern of magnetic fields are able to affect human beings' mood, despite a number of arguments posed by sceptics. With the use of modern devices such as computers and other electrical devices, the electromagnetic pattern has now somewhat can be called as "disrupted" as opposed to the "harmonious" already existing magnetic field in the natural surrounding.
It is glad to say that many curious colleagues, relatives and friends who lacked the Feng Shui knowledge approached me and asked questions like "Can I get my Mr Right with Feng Shui?", "Would I live happily with my spouse?" or " Would I be rich by orientating my house this way?". My answer would be both "YES" and "NO". The answer is a 'YES' if a true Feng Shui practitioner understands that Feng Shui is only 33% of the total luck. I won't discuss further on this concept but   there are numerous methods ranging from the location of home until the placement of certain types of "cures and enhancers" that would offer some solutions for these craving clients. The answer is also a 'NO' since me myself, an ardent amateur practitioner, remains a single guy..(haha..would Feng Shui made Jennifer Lopez to propose me???) or living in a luxurious bungalow (but yet, I have to struggle to keep my pocket as tight as possible since I am going to have the salary cut off to pay my housing loan). I can't deny that there are some Feng Shui masters who gained reputation and enjoyed luxurious lifestyles. By the way, it's not because of Feng Shui alone, but their persistence and undying effort in expanding their business' tagline. Simple, right?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Achievement and recognition: A personal view.

Hi, has been for a while since I last wrote in my so-called "blog" page. A period of more than a month or so gave me a lot of new insights of my own life that certainly gave me more encouragement to live my life the way it is. The Lenten Season was actually a very useful period for me to re-establish my personal relationship with the Lord, as I felt that I've been away from Him for quite a while; yes, I admit it. I put the Bible at the sideboard but yet I spent not a single moment to read it. I never asked the Lord to speak to me. Rather, I would viewed Him as a 'wish fulfilling object' of my human desire. Such a wretched and filthy sinner I was! No wonder why my selfishness had caused harm not only to myself but to those who were surrounding me! As a believer, I always put my entire faith in Him and I think I've made it! I tried not to involve myself in anything that was related to any social networking page. It seemed that I successfully refrained myself from writing anything in the Facebook wall or in my blog site for the entire Lenten season and finally, I'm back!
First of all, I would like to inform that this post is nothing to do with anybody in my life, be it dead or alive. It's just a reflection on things that I had experienced all this while and I'll love to share with those who are concerned. No hard feelings, friends and don't take it too personally. Well, if you expect that I am going to write another 'heartbroken and melancholic story of a frustrated lover', you have guessed it wrongly. I would like to write about it, but I guess it's better for me to accept the facts and go on with my routines. 

Regarding the things that had happened to me all this while, I would rather to share in a more 'general' term rather than to specify to any particular areas of my life. No more a "touchy aspect of a sad love story" or even a "heart slashing phrases" that would put someone who is already heartbroken into a consideration whether he should end up his life in isolation. I am not a perfect person; instead I am striving to reach a nearly-perfect condition; perhaps. What I am going to share here will inspire some people to be more aware of their surroundings and to improve their performance, be it in the their personal or professional life. 

If you had worked so hard all this while and not being appreciated for what you had done, is it worth doing something like this?
Everybody needs money, no matter how small the amount is, it's still money and people will do anything for it.

When we heard the word "recognition", everybody would think of the "reward".Yes, a real reward actually. It's not only a pat on a back or a verbally 'good job' remark given to you by your superiors. Even the students will easily get fed up with "candies" given by their teachers each time after they successfully answered a question. To be frank, those who worked hard throughout their career life should receive their reward, be it in a cash form, a certificate of recognition and more importantly a rise in your salary or even offered a higher post in your organisation. 
For illustration purpose only; nothing to do with the "real" APC.
We cannot say that we are being selfish if we demand for what we should have. Instead, it is us who should be considered as 'selfish' since our egoistic nature prevents us from admitting our faults. If you are already in the 'deserved group' and suddenly you see others had their 'reward' while you are not, what would you think? 
Being jealous???? Naa....why should you envy someone who already had a happy life? Perhaps one day you will be in their position and see how does it feels if someone get jealous of you?
Missing the last bus? Perhaps you would say " WTF???"
There is no point for being envious here since your colleagues deserved it, just like you and me. They deserved the reward. When you are the 'only one' who is 'missing from the list', what would you think? It feels like "missing the last bus' trip". As a result, you will end up waiting with a sour face for another hour or soThere will be thousands of questions that will crowd your mind; "Am I not hard working enough?" "Am I showing a good work ethics or having a bad reputation? "Am I a noticeable employee?". When a friend, a very close friend told you that you need to 'do something' to make sure that you will be on par with those who are supposed to be 'there', things are very clear now-you are not in the list and perhaps you will be "eternally" left out (sigh...).

Perhaps it's time for us to have a deep insight towards ourselves. There's no time to blame anyone, no more finger-pointing, no more the "blame game", "I'm right, you're wrong..." etc. That's all for now. I'm now still on a stage where I need to be alone, secluding myself from the madding world; because at the end; no matter how good you are trying to be innocent, it is you who are the one is going to be blamed no matter how faulty others are. So, the solution is: Be quiet but at the same time be observant. There's nothing worth more than silence.