Friday, August 2, 2013

A Home of Our Own...At Last!: An Initial Landscape Feng Shui Personal Experience.

I bet that nowadays people will always complain about their financial statuses, especially for those who depend on monthly salary like me. My colleagues as well as my comrades will keep their eyes fixed on issues that are related to keywords such as "salary increase" or "annual bonus". As a public servant and a teacher, I realized that career is not just about "making money". If I do, then I will get myself into money ventures where people will aim for nothing except for profits and revenue. However, I never deny that we need money as a "one tool that fix them all". 

Education, car, fuels, our daily "fixtures" and others will need money as one of their key ingredients; or if not, the sole authority whether you're going to survive in this capitalist system or perish in the gargantuan tug-of-war. People might say "Ahh..I wish that I could have this bonus to renovate my house, accommodate my monthly medical expenses or buying health products, having a trip with my spouse to Bali etc". Things are never enough; that's the norm but the fact is life is not really bad after all if we could adapt ourselves to the changing environment by CHANGING OURSELVES! The Darwinian Theory suggests that only the strong will survive and this is not only applicable to animals' species only but we as human beings as well.

Alright, let's get back to track. I am not going to discuss further on today's monetary issues since this thing will have its ebb and flow. I relate this issue with my post since people are so concerned about the rising prices of two man- should-have assets, namely CAR and HOUSE.  Gone were the days where any single guys (or even married ones) would afford to own a credit card (or more, depending on your financial status) or a double storey terrace house! All things in this life exists in cycles, and there are times where things are easy and at times, hard as well.  I can consider myself as lucky because at present, I still managed to own both of them without scratching my head when it comes to monthly payment. Am I a self-promoting person??? Nay...

The hunt for my own dream home started about 5 years ago, where I did some amateur on-site landscape Feng Shui assessment for my colleagues. I am not saying that I was so choosy since I need to find the 33.3% "Earth Luck" part of my life which need to be in tandem with my Feng Shui principles. My non-Feng Shui enthusiasts friends would shrug off at the moment I say "This place doesn't fit the basic landscape Feng Shui guidelines- no "tortoise", "dragon" and "tiger" hills, the facing direction has a bad combination of flying starts for the current period" and other terminologies that sound Greek for them but for me, it's my bread and butter.

After a long arduous and painstaking period of searching for my perfect "casa", finally I set my mind on a double-storeyed terrace house on the outskirt of the city. At first, I considered the area was  little bit "sien" except for the bustling new airport which is only less than a minute drive. Advantage?? Well, I guess that I shouldn't be a homey boy, instead I should (or must) travel away and the airport would remind me of my quest! (Please read my previous posts on travelling---It's my #1 passion!). It wasn't bad after all since it fitted all of my basic criteria, location, budget and comfort. While people writhing their way to search for a home that fits their budget-tight life, I easily made my way through a number of advices from my friends and definitely my #1 mentor, my Mom...<3.

I won't show you how my future home look like, but I can say now that it has been almost 100% complete, minus the electric line and road linking the housing area from the trunk road. It was a small housing area, comprised of a 6-in-a-one row terrace houses and some double-storeyed houses. At first, I thought that I was the only staff who decided to settle down there, but now, two of my colleagues made the same move too! The monthly payment wasn't bad after all, it caused me to be on a tight budget at the beginning; where I have to adjust my expenditures back to the basic level. Most people will sacrifice everything and living only from hand to mouth after their salaries' deduction. 

The moment I went to the site to do some Feng Shui assessment, I just feel good about the surrounding. It was perfectly nestled in an undulating area, far from the madding crowd. It's a grandeur complete with its dragon, tortoise, tiger and even the long-envied feature of all Feng Shui landscapes, the small, "Phoenix" hill just across the trunk road, directly facing the front door. I am not an expert but based on what I have read from numerous Feng Shui books on external features, no matter how bad the effects of the flying stars will be (due to the time dimension Feng Shui), there will always be a support and protection from the naturally occurring landscape that is already powerful enough to deter the menacing impact of these "bad" flying stars. 

There's also a "Ming Tang" or an empty piece of land right in front of my house, where the Chi will accumulate and settle before entering through the main door. I was aware that many housing areas have an arrangement where units are directly confronting each other, especially with sharp roofs and Bagua mirrors. Such an unfriendly set of features that surely we would like to avoid at all cost! The trunk road, which is nicely viewed from the main door, it's not too near but not too far as well. It serves as the main conduit of chi that will be slowed down by the "Bright Hall" and definitely the soon-to-be-completed road that buds out from the main road.

Unfortunately, due to copyright and company rules, it seems that I am unable to post the pictures of my uncompleted house for now. I will, one day publish the pictures of my new home. By the way, I am happy now because I am going to have a house...a home for my wandering heart at last...<3