Sunday, April 21, 2013

Journey to the Land Below the Wind: The undying Kadazandusun heritage of Tenghilan, Tambunan and Ranau.

Famously known as ‘Land below the Wind’, Sabah is a land where your heart is. My younger sister, who married a local Tenghilan Dusun took this opportunity to visit her in-laws during the end of the year holidays. It supposed to be a rainy season but thank God, the ‘Bambarayons’ (They are actually the "Spirits of the Rice" according to Kadazan/Dusun beliefs; it is really interesting to find its striking similarities with the Tibetan Buddhism beliefs in local guardian deities) seemed to realize my eagerness to explore these parts of Sabah and blessed our journey throughout the entire week.Ounsikou ginawoku sabab barakat Diolo!

There was something quite odd each time I reached any one of these places; I was greeted by a gentle breeze followed by a sweet smell; perhaps you would consider those things were only made up by my mind but seriously, I never had that kind of experience in my own place. Much to my surprise, I managed to set my foot on one of the most well-kept landscapes I ever seen, the valley town of Tambunan, the birthplace and hometown of the current Huguan Siou.


We took some pictures for you to view by yourself. Needless to say anything, a single picture will tell more than a thousand words. Here are some shots taken in various places; namely the capital city of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Tenghilan, Tambunan, Kundasang and Poring. There’s a lot more to explore to Sabah but I think that should be kept for our future plans!

I took a snap with brother-in-law's sister and her family. It's a typical attitude of Sabahans to be super-friendly with any visitors; you will never feel like a stranger, but instead you will quickly adapt and feels just like at home!

Posing in front of the statue of St. Therese of the Little Child of Jesus, Tambunan

The locals said that this once famous Tambunan Village Recreational Centre was a rendezvous for both locals and tourists alike; also known as TVRC is now becoming more like a lifeless-resort compared to its golden era. I hope that the management will do something to attract more visitors to this wonderful place before it is too late!

Tambunan Warrior's Memorial, this is the site where you can find out a brief history of Tambunan and how it got its name: A combination between the names of the tribe "Tamadon" and the once-famous head warrior, Gombunan.

Kundasang War Memorial Park; it's much cooler here despite the sunny evening!

One of Sabah's unused couches used during the reign of North Borneo Amalgamated Company is now being displayed right outside the State's Museum

Compared to my state, Sarawak, Sabahan tourism management is absolutely fabulous! If you happened to visit any of the public places in Sabah, be it the Agnes Keith's House, State's Museum or Mt Crocker National Park, you only need to pay a mere RM2!

The largest lifestyle- shopping mall in the island of Borneo, 1Borneo Hymermall, famously known as 1B by the locals. It reminded me of Mid-Valley Megamall; except its not as sizable as the former and its heavily influenced by Bornean cultures.

This is not a painting; it's a real scenery indeed!. There's nothing on this Earth that could be compared to the beautiful scenery of Tambunan Valley; situated at an elevation of 976m above sea level, it is also the heartland of Pure Dusuns!

A cute Tenghilan Dusun couple gave out wedding toasts to their guests; they're happened to be both cousins of my brother-in-law.

I just loved Tambunan; you can run away from the hectic life in large cities like Kota Kinabalu and spend the rest of your life here; in a secluded and serene valley, deep within the Crocker Range.

Definitely you should not miss posing in front of the tallest, most beautiful and definitely the most accessible waterfall in Sabah! I present you: The Mahua Waterfall


Saturday, April 6, 2013

My Latest Updates for the Year 2013: Appreciating God's most valuable gift--------LIFE!

Hello everyone and welcome again to my latest updates in my blog,

It has been for a very long time since my last post a few months ago. Life has been so busy that I even cannot spend my time to write even the simplest ideas in this blog. Life has changed so much that even a second is really precious for a busy person like me. A teacher's routine is no small issue; it involves a lot of hard work and sacrifice. There's a lot of things that I needed to settle first before I spend my time with the net. Thank God, now I can breathe for a while and I would like to take this opportunity to share some of my few experiences with all of you here. I used to have a negative view on my life before. If you read my posts before, you will exactly know what I meant. Enduring both physical and emotional pains are no big deals for me. I have gone through a lot of hard times before but He gave me this strength to overcome all the difficulties. 

My most beloved person, my own father left us even before I started my career. Sadly enough, he was the one who sacrificed himself to make sure that I could make it to the end during my 6-years' course. I was really distressed during that fateful moment; it seemed like the world around me is already crumbling. My mom and my sisters were also deeply affected. Then, the metamorphosis took place; like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, I was fully transformed into a new "being", with new life and new look. I began my quest to search for the meaning of life; I started to learn more about GOD; not through what other people's view or through 'religious means', but through His words; the Holy Bible. 

I admitted that I was grown up in a non-religious family; despite the strong background in Catholicism. "Sunday Christians" or a "lukewarm believer" is the best term used to describe my family members. I don't blamed them for my own lackadaisical attitude towards "committed Catholics".  I found my life in Jesus Christ when my housemates introduced me to the "real" concepts of being a true Christian witness of Lord Jesus Christ; not just merely a "professing Catholic". At the same time, my faith was already challenged due to drastic cultural changed as I suddenly moved to an area where if you do not have the strength to be a witness of Christ, you will easily fall into the bottomless pit; to a point of no return.  

Definitely God has a unique plan for an ordinary being like me. At the same time; either I would called it Karma or whatsoever proper terms that anybody could apply, I accidentally met my new "interest", Feng Shui. 

Out of my respect, this millennial-aged esoteric knowledge survived  the powerful forces of time and modernization. I won't put this in details since I already discussed them in my earlier posts. You can read my previous posts on Feng Shui and how I applied this knowledge in my daily lives. I used to view it as something religious due to its non-Christian origins and might even opposed the Absolute Truth itself. I heard about it before, but I just rather ignored it and considered it as an irrelevant subject. Alas! The life-changing incident had a deep impact and Feng Shui made its way into my life; and thank God, my life really changed so much ever since!

I am sure enough that the Great Almighty GOD is still watching from above; much better than a 24-hour surveillance camera..LOL! Ohhh..praise HIM! When my heart gave up on doing anything to change my life, God is always there for me; being a secret life-planner. I always keep a notion that if I failed to carry out plans as expected, I will put that total blame on myself; considering myself as a loser. But hey...wait! You forgot someone! I am definitely sure He has a better plan for me indeed. GOD is always there and I am sure He has bigger plans for me ahead.I will keep this prayer in mind each time I am in trouble; asking GOD to give me strength and virility to fight against the desires of the flesh. 

"O Heavenly Father, Thou art my strength and through Thee nothing is impossible, Thou has granted us the grace to persevere in faith by being the witnesses of Thy Most Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ by being a nation of priests that consecrates ourselves to Thy Eternal Kingdom. When I was lost in my own bodily desires, I forsake Thee O Lord; but Thou didst not; instead Thou art the one who remindeth me of Thy undying Love. Give me strength O Father, when I am weak; give me courage when I live in fear; to fight against the desires of the flesh; so that one day O God, that I will behold Thee, face to face in Thy Endless Glory. I asked this through the same Christ, Our Lord. Amen". 
Come, Lord Jesus, come!!