Friday, January 6, 2012

Drawing the curtain down for the Year 2011 and looking ahead for the wonderful year 2012!

It's time to say "goodbye" to the year 2011; nothing much for me to feel grateful a year that I consider as a mediocre one. Spending a year which can be considered as a "recovery year" after an "apocalyptic" year is not easy. Thank God, due to His eternal grace and mercy I finally managed to close another chapter of my life; not to be dismissed but to be cherished and also a reminder on how to value our life despite the difficulties that we face. I still remembered what one of my senior-online-friend who gave me this advice regarding my "melancholic attitude" (Thanks Mdm Lorita and Miss Yang for a thorough explanation of the word "melancholic")-"There's no need to look back, my friend. It's time to move ahead with your life. Your FB posts clearly show that you are still living in the shadows of your past even though you denied it again and again. Let bygones be bygones though…"P/S: Thanks my friend..I really appreciate your advice and I am sure your actions will generate a huge amount of positive karma that will alleviate any hindrances in your life. J.

I missed the time when my lovely "sayang" told me a story of the origin of Tambunan, a small but very serene countryside town in Sabah. We should learn from history. Tambunan: The fusion of the names of two Dusun Tilombunan groups who were once rivals; Tamadon and Gombunan became "Tambunan". It wasn't about Mat Salleh who fought for his people's rights afterall.
   Those who learnt Feng Shui or even those who have no knowledge in it realize that the Year 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit. Yupp…figuratively speaking, we can consider this animal as a cuddly, adorable and quiet creature who would avoid confrontation at any cost. So, we can deduce that there will be peace among warring nations and less earth tremors isn't it? The reality is, when we looked around us, things seem to be worse from day to day. Famine, wars, natural disasters and economic downfalls are everywhere around us. I am sure, even if you are not a Feng Shui enthusiast, you will definitely argue on the "direct" interpretation of this year's energy, right? 
My amateur and limited skills in both Classical and "New Age" Feng Shui helped me a little bit in improving my luck for the year. As a Rooster, I tried to do my best to avoid any confrontation with other people that could worsen my Annual afflictions. I preferred to sit back, plan ahead and improving my financial and career life. I would even buy some Feng Shui books written by famous local authors. Life was so busy till reaching a point that I do not have time at all to look for a new personal relationship, how far a marriage! I would rather prefer to use the energy of the "Rabbit in conflict with the Rooster Year" to do more positive karmic actions in order to get myself ready for the fabulous Year of the Dragon in Year 2012 (Based on the Chinese Hsia Calendar, the year actually will start at 4th February 2012.)

As I spent most of my times outdoors and definitely travelling is one of my top favourite activities, I can see that one of human's desires is to make one's wish (or wishes) become true. They went to the temple and asked the deities to predict their future luck, visit magical places and a never-to-be-forgotten offering One of them is the wish making "rituals" and that would involve visiting "magical places". Throw a penny into the well and wallop…the Guardian Spirit will grant your wish no matter how difficult or impossible it is. If that so, there will be another thousands of Donald Trump-alike tycoons or countless maiden who are as hot as Nicole Scherzinger if their wishes are truly fulfilled. I am not arguing on the effectiveness of these places or consider a "wish making" thing as a childish or "in vain" activity, but let us get back to reality, face it as it is and if you want to make a wish, try to make a more reasonable wish such as opening up more opportunities to money-making or even to heal a broken relationship with your spouse. That is more effective to me rather than to say "I want Prince William to propose me.." Ahah! You can see the difference, right?

The Double Phoenix: A very popular Feng Shui symbol of "doubled opportunity". Feng Shui itself is not a magic; it won't make you rich overnight or making Prince William kneeling in front of you for proposal right at the doorstep!

Alright, I will discuss further on the "Wish Making" topic in my next blog since our focus now is on the Feng Shui reviews for this year and the year o come. I still hold to the basic concept of the Trinity of Luck which is the essential of any Feng Shui and BaZi knowledge regardless of its school or ideology; which we call the "Heaven (Tien), Earth (Ti) and Ren (Man) luck. Each type of luck carries 33% of chances and if you fully make use all of them, then your chances of arriving at your goal will be much better than those who aren't! Consider this analogy, a person who lives in an area where there are known deposits of gold will never become rich unless he knows how to track them, owns devices that will be able to obtain and process gold and finally his own efforts to dig deep inside the soil or even creating a King Solomon's-scale gold mine! 

Heaven Luck, which is the Destiny of a person can be analogized as a place where there are deposits of gold buried. You won't find gold anywhere unless you are destined to live in a land where gold can be found. The same thing goes to a person; a person who is not destined to have a good BaZi chart (e.g not destined to be a billionaire like Bill Gates since the wealth stars are not present in his chart) won't be able to be another "him", right? But wait, it's only 33% of the overall luck and there's still another 66% which should be considered despite your "not destined to be a rich person" type. It is proven that there are people who do not have wealth stars in their BaZi chart but through Feng Shui and Man Luck which involves timing (and their own effort (by being hardworking, venture out into business, choosing the right path of career) they will become much better than those who are "born with silver spoon" but yet they put less effort compared to those who are not. There are numerous people who started from a scratch but as the time goes (with a lot of effort and some "luck" definitely) they become the prominent figures in the Forbes' List of Wealthiest People in the World.

Everybody had this "gold rush phenomenon" as soon as the ASB counters were opened at various branches. Money come, money go:

Not everyone is destined to be a super-rich billionaire; but yet we still can use our potentials to the fullest by being opportunistic and willing to give our best in anything that we do.

          Personally, this year can't be considered as a good year, especially for a Metal Rooster. Afflictions like the Natural Disaster Star, opposing the Grand Duke Tai Sui and a direct confrontation with its natural astrological enemy: The Rabbit! Nasty things did happen in the East; as the Deadly Five Yellow Star paid a visit and created havoc like earthquakes, economic downfall and other calamities that deeply create a serious impact to the humankind. By the way, the Dragon Year surely promises lots and lots of possibilities that surely manifest the ripening of good karma done by humankind. Happy New Year everyone and I wish you all the best for the coming New Year!